Nouveautés et Evènements

Retrouvez toutes les actualités et nos événements

Retrouvez toutes les actualités et nos événements
Buona Festa della Donna - DE PIETRI

Happy International Women’s Day

8th March 2023: for today and beyond, happy International Women's Day!

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depietri carnevale 2023

Happy Mardi Gras

Anything goes at Carnival time! Happy Mardi Gras from the De Pietri Staff

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FR44 img post new

Nouveau récolteuse FR 44

Machine faucheuse / récolteuse flexible et compacte, adaptée pour l'utilisation en serre et en champ ouvert.

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Happy New Year

The De Pietri team wishes you and your loved ones a New Year of health and serenity.

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buon natale 2022

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

The whole De Pietri team wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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blackfriday depietri

Black Friday has arrived!

We at De Pietri have also reserved special discounts for our customers.

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Giorno del ringraziamento

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanks to all of you, from the whole De Pietri team. Happy Thanksgiving!

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