Nouveautés et Evènements
Retrouvez toutes les actualités et nos événements
Retrouvez toutes les actualités et nos événements
Happy Independence day of America!
May this day be a symbol of peace, prosperity, and happiness in your lives. Happy Independence day of America!
Anniversary of the Italian Republic
Happy 2nd June, Republic Day! Greetings to all Italians from the De Pietri staff.
Nouveautés et Evènements,Communication
Earth Day 2023
You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you.
Happy April fool’s day!
Only for today, FR1AP, the newest seaweed harvesters! Happy April fool's day!
De Pietri at Macfrut 2023
We look forward to seeing you in Hall A1 - Stand 110 where we will be able to explain in detail where the quality of our harvesters comes from and receive personalized assistance from our experts.