Nouveautés et Evènements

Retrouvez toutes les actualités et nos événements

Retrouvez toutes les actualités et nos événements
Auguri a tutte le mamme uai

Greetings to all mothers!

"The greatest science in the world, in heaven and on earth, is love". Greetings to all mothers in the world from the De Pietri Staff!

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75 anni di Italia libera uai

5 years of free Italy!

April 25, Liberation Day. We put basil in it

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buona pasqua 21 uai

Happy Easter

Our best wishes for a happy Easter! and ... Beware of chocolate ;) Happy Easter!

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Buon Pesce dAprile uai

Happy April Fools’ Day

MIND THE JOKES! April fools might be lurking ;) Happy April Fools' Day

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san patrizio uai

Happy St. Patrick’s day!

Each Petal on the Shamrock may bring a Wish on your way. Good Health, Luck and Happiness. Slainté!

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Sta arrivando il Carnevale uai

Carnival is coming!

Ready for the party? Working with our machines is always fun! We wish you a Good Carnival!

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Buon San Valentino uai

Happy Valentine’s Day!

At the De Pietri, care for the harvest is synonymous of Love. It is with this criterion that we make our machines! Happy Valentine's Day!

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Arriva la Befana uai

Arriva la Befana!

Auguri per una lieta Epifania... Che tutte le feste si porta via!

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