Nouveautés et Evènements

Retrouvez toutes les actualités et nos événements

Retrouvez toutes les actualités et nos événements
Agricoltura 4.0 uai

Agricoltura 4.0

Agriculture 4.0 is the evolution of the concept of "precision agriculture" which is used to define targeted and efficient interventions in the agricultural field starting from data such as, for example, the physical and biochemical characteristics of the soil.

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Buona Pasqua uai

Happy Easter Day!

This will be a strange Easter, where it will not be possible to celebrate as we would like, where our habits will have to adapt to this current emergency.
This year our wish goes to our nations, because only by believing in them we can rise again, remaining united and aware that these are made of great men with great hearts.

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Contate su di noi uai

Count on us!

We’re all dealing with an emergency worldwide that has taken over our habits, both family and work, conditioning and distorting our daily lives.

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Ci avete riconosciuto uai

Did you recognize us?

Happy Carnival and best jokes to every one!
We still the same, with the same passion!
Happy Carnival and best jokes to every one!
From all the staff of De Pietri

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Perchè noi amiamo sempre metterci il cuore uai

Because we always love to put our heart into it!

We wish you a good Valentine’s day!
From all the staff of De Pietri

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Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo uai

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Ssssssh... We should harvest but not disturb him yet!
We take the opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

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Dolcetto o scherzetto uai

Trick or treat?

Only tonight we will scare you picking even pumpkins… Happy Halloween to all!

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De Pietri vi augura buone Vacanze uai

De Pietri’s service assistance wish you happy holiday!

De Pietri’s service assistance wish you happy holiday!

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